Cageside MMA is sponsoring Jake Rosholt at UFC 102
Take a look at his shorts
Jake will be taking on Chris Leben on the main card.
CagesideMMA.com blog. Follow for great mma and mma gear updates.
IF your gi is baggy (too big) you can place it in the dryer AFTER washing.
Be sure to check on it (and try it on) every 7 to 10 minutes until it has shrunk to the desired length.
Once you have your gi properly sized - never put it in the dryer again. HANG DRY ONLY
Further Washings:
Optional for colored uniforms (black, blue, red)
Prior to the first wearing/wash, soak the gi in a tube with 3 cups of white vinegar and water. Allow it to soak for 30 minutes, and then wash. This helps to "SET" the color of the gi and minimizes fading.
Hope this helps! ~ Boomer