Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Commandments of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

By: Jeff Shaw

Check out the Cageside Concussion Cast Radio Show:

10.  Thou shalt not celebrate after tapping a training partner
9. Thou shalt wash thy gi after EACH CLASS
8. Thou shalt SHOW HEART and not give up when you're in a tough spot
7. BUT though shalt NOT be afraid to tap!  Thou shalt tap early and often:  
    learning is the goal, injury is the enemy
6. Thou shalt invest in nail clippers.
5. Thou shalt NOT go barefoot in the bathroom
4. Thou shalt not be a mat bully
3. Thou shalt keep off the mat if though art sick
2. Thou shalt not ignore the instructor.  LISTEN and LEARN
1. Thou shalt respect everyone

Check out www.cageside.com for great BJJ equipment