Wednesday, November 16, 2016



Durham NC, November 12th 2016 – Toro BJJ Company hosted it’s 5th invite only Brazilian Jiu Jitsu super fight event. In all 19 exciting matches were held including Nogi and Gi with competitors ranking from Blue to Black belt. Half of the proceeds raised from the event were donated to “Gi’s 4 GI’s” a. A Veterans organization dedicated to helping active US Military members and veterans to discover Jiu Jitsu and the benefits associated.

Toro Cup events give BJJ competitors a chance to showcase their skills in a non-tournament environment. Allowing them to focus on one match giving their absolute best and providing an entertaining fight for all in attendance. Each Competitor is matched up with an equally skilled opponent that is carefully selected to ensure a well-rounded and exciting match up. Matches are 10 minutes for blue and purple belts while 15 for black and brown – submission only. There is a 5 minute points match if no submission is achieved within the time limit.  

Over $1000 was raised for the charity “Gi’s 4 GI’s” during the event with several lightly used and new gi’s donated as well. All of the donations will be used to in hope that service members who receive Gis will use martial arts training as a form of therapy to help them cope with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries, depression, anxiety, and a host of other ailments that have led to an ever increasing number of veteran suicides.

The very first TORO Cup was held on February 28, 2015 and raised over $2500 for The George Pendergrass Foundation for Leukemia Research. Jeff Shaw had the idea of creating the Toro Cup:   A day of Jiu Jitsu Super Fights.   Jeff, Boomer (Owner of Toro BJJ) and Seth Shamp (Royce Gracie Black Belt) came up with rules that would ensure EVERY match would have a winner.   They were tired of "Meta-snore-as" and their boring matches that all seemed to end in a draw.   To date - the Toro Cup has never had a draw and has raised over $7000 for various charities.   

Writer - Brandon Michael Brown

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Is BACK PAIN keeping you away from Jiu Jitsu?

Back Pain.  Many of us experience it.  For some back pain is a chronic problem.

I suffered my first back spasm in 7th grade.  It was horrible.  

From age 13 until I was 37 - I had varying degrees of constant back pain.  My lower back always hurt.  I could not find anything to relieve the constant ache.  Most days the pain was around a "2".  

From age 24 until age 37, I could count on twice yearly having my back "go out".  This would have me in so much pain and make life miserable.

For some reason my back would almost always seem to "go out" at the worst visiting, vacation, important deadlines.

I tried everything: massage therapy, chiropractors, physical therapy, yoga, stretching, posture control, exercises specifically for my back.  I visited an orthopedic surgeon.  X-Rays revealed that I had "Degenerative Disc Disease"  The horror!  Holy crap, right?  He told me the only option was surgery.

Luckily I never listened to this quack.

I continued to be uncomfortable and suffer for a few more years.  About 4 years ago, we were on a weekend beach vacation.  My back locked up on me.  Laying on the floor of the hotel - I was miserable, mentally and physically.  I could not take this crap any longer.

Not long after, I found out about a book.  THE book for people with back pain.

The name of this book is "Healing Back Pain" by Dr. John Sarno.

This book changed my life!!!  I have told MANY people about Dr. Sarno's amazing book.  You can purchase this book on Amazon for around $7

The best part of this book - NO exercises, NO gimmicks, NO tricks, NO restrictions and NO surgery.  All you have to do is read the book.   

If you suffer from back or neck pain - give the book a shot.  


Founder or Cageside Fight Company

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Commandments of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

By: Jeff Shaw

Check out the Cageside Concussion Cast Radio Show:

10.  Thou shalt not celebrate after tapping a training partner
9. Thou shalt wash thy gi after EACH CLASS
8. Thou shalt SHOW HEART and not give up when you're in a tough spot
7. BUT though shalt NOT be afraid to tap!  Thou shalt tap early and often:  
    learning is the goal, injury is the enemy
6. Thou shalt invest in nail clippers.
5. Thou shalt NOT go barefoot in the bathroom
4. Thou shalt not be a mat bully
3. Thou shalt keep off the mat if though art sick
2. Thou shalt not ignore the instructor.  LISTEN and LEARN
1. Thou shalt respect everyone

Check out for great BJJ equipment 

Friday, January 29, 2016

January 29, 2016

Stinky Boxing Gloves!

Do you own a pair of boxing gloves?  

Do they stink?  

Do your hands smell terribly after wearing your gloves?

If you answered YES to ANY of the above would benefit from Cageside's Glove Dogs

What are Glove Dogs?

Cageside Glove Dogs are breathable cotton flannel shells filled with refined, long lasting cedar chips. 

Simply insert into gloves after each use to help absorb moisture and deodorize while killing fungus and bacteria.

Gloves dogs keep your gloves smelling fresh.   Because Glove Dogs help absorb moisture - they can add to the life of your gloves.  Moisture/wetness is an enemy to leather gloves.

These are also great to keep in your smelly gym bag.

Hand made in the USA!    

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

January 27, 2016

New handwraps at CAGESIDE !

We received a new shipment of handwraps.   These are the best Cageside handwraps to date.

The new Cageside handwraps, sometimes referred to as wrist wraps, are all 200 inches in length.   Our wraps are ideal for MMA, Muay Thai, Kick-Boxing, Boxing and Cardio-Kick-Boxing.  

Handwraps that you can purchase at retail stores like Walmart or Dicks are typically 110 inches in length.   This is simply not long enough to wrap your hands properly.  These wraps are also typically 100% cotton - which is not ideal.   The Cageside 200" wraps are semi-elastic.  Often referred to as "Mexican Style" wraps.

Many companies offer wraps that are 180" in length.   This is a good length.  200" is even better - giving you the extra length to protect your hands and wrists properly.

Cageside wraps also feature an extra large velcro closure, ensuring a snug fit.

We have new colors in our wraps:  digital camo, white, gold, dark pink, skull print, neon green..... be sure to check them out:  Cageside Hand Wraps