Sunday, March 6, 2016

Is BACK PAIN keeping you away from Jiu Jitsu?

Back Pain.  Many of us experience it.  For some back pain is a chronic problem.

I suffered my first back spasm in 7th grade.  It was horrible.  

From age 13 until I was 37 - I had varying degrees of constant back pain.  My lower back always hurt.  I could not find anything to relieve the constant ache.  Most days the pain was around a "2".  

From age 24 until age 37, I could count on twice yearly having my back "go out".  This would have me in so much pain and make life miserable.

For some reason my back would almost always seem to "go out" at the worst visiting, vacation, important deadlines.

I tried everything: massage therapy, chiropractors, physical therapy, yoga, stretching, posture control, exercises specifically for my back.  I visited an orthopedic surgeon.  X-Rays revealed that I had "Degenerative Disc Disease"  The horror!  Holy crap, right?  He told me the only option was surgery.

Luckily I never listened to this quack.

I continued to be uncomfortable and suffer for a few more years.  About 4 years ago, we were on a weekend beach vacation.  My back locked up on me.  Laying on the floor of the hotel - I was miserable, mentally and physically.  I could not take this crap any longer.

Not long after, I found out about a book.  THE book for people with back pain.

The name of this book is "Healing Back Pain" by Dr. John Sarno.

This book changed my life!!!  I have told MANY people about Dr. Sarno's amazing book.  You can purchase this book on Amazon for around $7

The best part of this book - NO exercises, NO gimmicks, NO tricks, NO restrictions and NO surgery.  All you have to do is read the book.   

If you suffer from back or neck pain - give the book a shot.  


Founder or Cageside Fight Company

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